— Activity —- Engine
「テキスト – how a car works」



00:00 – 02:00
🗣Zoom 「エンジニアリング」guidance !! より
— えいごつかい🇯🇵工業系海外営業 (@eigo_tsukai) March 16, 2021
「エンジンオイル」Purpose 💪
①潤滑作用" lubrication "
②気密性を保つ" sealing "
③熱を吸収/放出する" cooling "
④清浄作用" cleaning "
⑤サビや"から守る" rust prevention "
3,000km走行毎ぐらいにオイル交換" oil change "を🚙
— Vocabularies—-
convert heat from burning gas into the force →ガスの燃焼を力に変換する
road wheels →タイヤ
chain of reactions →一連の動作は👆「1」動作
objective is set in motion by a spark→動作はスパークから始まり👆「1」動作
ignites a mixture of petrol vapour→燃料の混合気に点火する👆「2」キャブレター
compressed air inside a momentarily sealed cylinder→気密性の高いシリンダー内の圧縮空気👆「3」部品図
momentarily →((米))刻々と,絶えず,今にも,いつなんどきでも
internal combustion engine→内燃機関たるエンジン
燃料の燃焼が機関の内部で行われる熱機関の総称。 これに対し,機関外で燃料を燃焼させる蒸気タービン,スターリングエンジンなどは外燃機関と呼ぶ。 内燃機関は他の原動機に比べて小型軽量なので,車両,航空機,船など交通機関に使われることが多い。
mixture burns it expands→混合気が燃焼し膨張する
must be a robust structure→頑健な構造であることが必須
heavier section is the cylinder block →大きなほうがシリンダーブロック👆「3」部品図
the detachable upper cover is the cylinder head →外すことのできる上部カバーがシリンダーヘッド👆「3」部品図
The cylinder head contains valve-controlled passages →シリンダーヘッドには2本の通路がありバルブで開閉される👆「3」部品図
the air and fuel mixture enters the cylinders →燃料と空気の混合気はシリンダーに入ってくる
the gases produced by their combustion are expelled. →燃焼により生じたガスが排出される
The block houses the crankshaft →ブロックはクランクシャフトを内包し
the crankshaft →クランクシャフト。エンジンの中心パーツ👆「4」クランクシャフト
converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons →ピストンの往復運動を
reciprocate →往復する
rotary motion at the crankshaft. →クランクシャフトの回転に変える
Often the block also houses the camshaft →多くの場合、ブロックはカムシャフトも内包👆「5」カムシャフト
open and close the valves in the cylinder head →シリンダーヘッドのバルブを開閉する
Sometimes the camshaft is in the head or mounted above it →カムシャフトがヘッド側に付いているものもある
— Reading —-
①・The engine is the heart of your car. It is a complex machine built to convert heat from burning gas into the force that turns the road wheels.
②・The chain of reactions which achieve that objective is set in motion by a spark , which ignites a mixture of petrol vapour and compressed air inside a momentarily sealed cylinder and causes it to burn rapidly.
③・That is why the machine is called an internal combustion engine .
④・As the mixture burns it expands, providing power to drive the car.
⑤・To withstand its heavy workload, the engine must be a robust structure.
⑥・It consists of two basic parts: the lower, heavier section is the cylinder block, a casing for the engine’s main moving parts; the detachable upper cover is the cylinder head .
⑦・The cylinder head contains valve-controlled passages through which the air and fuel mixture enters the cylinders, and others through which the gases produced by their combustion are expelled.
⑧・The block houses the crankshaft , which converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons into rotary motion at the crankshaft.
⑨・Often the block also houses the camshaft , which operates mechanisms that open and close the valves in the cylinder head.
⑩・Sometimes the camshaft is in the head or mounted above it.