緊急事態宣言下(2021/01/31) でも日帰りできる場所を選びました。新幹線を利用したスキーは少し割高感がありますが、移動時間が少なく、スケジュールも交通渋滞に影響されないのでガイドのコースにうってつけです。
Japan is still under a state of emergency as of February 28th 2021. I selected a one-day round skiing trip for my friend from the U.S.
Using bullet train seems higher cost, however, it takes just three hours to ride from home and schedule punctually sitting homelike.
Dear friends in U.S.

We left home in Tokyo around 6 AM for the “Shinkansen” bullet train. It departed around 07:00 from Tokyo Station.
An hour and half ride took us to Niigata’s “Yuzawa Kogen” ski resort and we started our first ski lift ride at 09:00.
My high school son had an English lesson on the ski lift from my American friend in a Japanese class.
We really enjoyed the great scenery and culture.
Japanese Phrasebook and Dictionary should be accompanied your trip in Japan. Phrase are categorized by occasion with an index at the end of the book.

楽天で「Japanese Phrasebook」を調べる
The plan was made with the following consideration:
- もしもの時のバックアッププランも必要 ” Set up with a backup plan. “
- 食事も楽しみたい ” Favorable local restaurants are available in the area.”
- お酒も飲みたいので公共交通機関でアクセスしたい ” Use public transportation for beer time. “
- 帽子” caps “
- ゴーグル” goggles “
- サングラス” san glasses “
- チケットホルダー” ticket holders “
- ネックウォーマー” neck warmers “
- グローブ” gloves “
- テーピング” first aid kit “
- ブーツ” ski boots “
- ストック” poles “
- スキー” skis “
- 冬ゴルフパンツ” ski wear “
- タイツ下” under warmer “
- CWXシャツ ” ski shirt “
- ポロシャツ” shirt “
- 黒ジャージ上 ” extra warmer “
タイムテーブル time table

行きのタイムスケジュール ( Time schedule for Yuzawa from home )
◾️自宅発 Left home
↓ 05:45
■京王多摩川 Nearest local train station
↓ 06:02〜06:04
↓ 京王相模原線区間急行 新宿行
↓ 2番線発 → 2番線着
▼[乗換不要] 調布 Major city train station
↓ 06:07〜06:28
↓ 京王線区間急行 新宿行
■新宿 Shin-jyuku
↓ 06:37〜06:50
↓ JR中央線中央特快 東京行
↓ 8番線発 → 2番線着
■東京 Tokyo
↓ 07:04〜08:14
↓ JR新幹線Maxとき303号 新潟行
↓ 20番線発 → 11・12番線着
■越後湯沢 Niigata – Echigo Yuzawa
帰りのタイムスケジュール ( Time schedule for Home from Yuzawa )
■越後湯沢- Echigo Yuzawa
↓ 18:28〜19:52
↓ JR新幹線とき340号 東京行
↓ 20番線着
■東京 Tokyo
↓ 20:05〜20:20
↓ JR中央線快速 高尾行
↓ 1番線発 → 12番線着
■新宿 Shin-jyuku
↓ 20:28〜20:46
↓ 京王線準特急 橋本行
↓ 2番線発 → 2番線着
■調布Major city train station
↓ 20:48〜20:50
↓ 京王相模原線区間急行 橋本行
↓ 1番線発 → 1番線着
■京王多摩川Nearest local train station
◾️自宅着 Arrive home
【JR SKISKI】びゅうトラベル – 新幹線で行くスキー・スノボ旅

Unfortunately, JR Ticket and coupon selling has no English translation on the web site. We make order on the web site and pick up the ticket at JR train station in advance.

Access to from the green button for pick up.

Just insert your credit card which used for on line order.

For flexible scheduling, I always order the ticket without ” specific time use discount. “

Arrived at ” Echigo Yuzawa ” station.

Shuttle bus is available for the major ski resorts around the train station.

The coupon needs to be changed at the ticket center for a lift ticket.

Rope way takes you to the top, which departs in every 20 minutes.

My high school son had an English lesson on the ski lift from my American friend in a Japanese class.

It was beautiful day. I really enjoyed the day.

Curry rice is the most popular food at ski resort restaurants because of the familiar flavor.
But adding a pork cutlet for 300 JPY makes a huge difference